Website API
The API provides static links to retrieve EIF sensor data directly in a variety of formats for your own applications. To jump right in and see various permutations of API calls you can visit the graphing section, generate a graph and then view the associated API Links. All formats output the datetime of reading, and the reading value.
API Format
The API format is[format]/[vars]
- [format]: Output format. Depending on the format these are printed directly to browser or have a file download header.
- [vars]: Sensor selection using standard URL query strings.
Format Codes
Select your output format as follows
- csv: Print data to browser in standard CSV format.
- dl: Download CSV file.
- json: Print data to browser in standard JSON format.
- hc: Print data to browser in JSON format with UTC timestamps (instead of human readable timestamps). This link can be used to plot on a secondary Y axis and compare different sensors on the graphing page.
- png: Download PNG Line Graph of Data.
Vars (URL Query String)
Use standard URL query strings to form your request. Precede query with a ? and delimit variables with &.
- rFromDate: Lower limit time range. In the following timestamp format: 2014-09-28T13:29:11 Keep in mind you may need to substitute the correct HTML character code in for the dash and colon depending on your implementation.
- rToDate: As above, upper limit time range.
- rFamily: Family of sensors. Families include: "wasp", "embed", "weather", "logins".
- rSensor: Sensor code
- rSubSensor: Optional sub-sensor code